Product Information Request
Accessing Product Information
Please use this form to request any product information that may be missing from our website, for instance, a specific brochure, product catalogue, MSDS on a product, user manual, etc.
All submissions will be will be sent to our Customer Service team for urgent action and handled manually during normal business hours Monday to Friday between 0900-1700 AEST (9-5). Your submission will also be forwarded on to our Sales team who represents your area.
Tick the checkbox to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter. We promise that your information will not be shared to any third party outside the Paragon Care Group.

Accessing Product Information
Our online product catalogue, product brochures and information is available to healthcare and industry professionals only.
We apologise for the inconvenience, and ask that you please use this form to request specific product information.
All form submissions will be sent to our Customer Service team for urgent action, and handled manually during normal business hours.
We sincerely thank you for your understanding.

Healthcare & Industry Professionals Only
All areas marked with an (*) are a required field and must be populated before sending.
Please Note: All enquiries will be handled during normal business hours 0900-1700 AEST, Monday to Friday.
Please Note: All enquiries will be handled during normal business hours 7:30am - 5:30pm AEST, Monday to Friday.